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Our competencies

Real estate services

Our company deals with the leasing and operation of its own office buildings, and our Industrial Park in Székesfehérvár deals with the leasing and operation of its own buildings on an area of 530,000 square meters. Our portfolio includes production halls, warehouses, workshops and office space

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Our competencies

Hotel software operation

Development and operation of the most used hotel software in Hungary. We are at the forefront with more than 30 years of experience behind us.

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Our competencies

Metal parts manufacturing

Using the most modern production technologies, we produce industrial sheet parts in our own production area.The production of hundreds of metal parts, such as body parts, door hinges and fittings represents the vertical complexity of our capabilities.

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Our competencies

Plastic injection moulding

We manufacture plastic parts primarily for automotive suppliers with decades of expertise in multinational environments.

We exploit the specialties within the technology and provide automated, complex solutions for the component manufacturing needs of our partners.

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Our competencies

Solar panel support structure manufacturing

Our company has decades of experience and expertise in manufacturing and metalworking, based on which technology it manufactures and sells special supporting structures that are necessary for the installation of solar parks. The reliability of our products is guaranteed by a 15-year warranty.

The vision of Műszertechnika-Holding Zrt.

Through organic growth and continuous acquisitions, Műszertechnika-Holding aims to become one of the most significant Hungarian-owned groups of companies. The financial basis for our growth is provided by the conscious use of our resources, the reinvestment of the profits generated and the use of tender financing.

We aim to create our Human Resources vision in line with the vision of our business strategy through strategic workforce planning. We are working to build a positive employer brand inside – and outside – the company. To achieve this, we make our business decisions collaboratively, with a rapid response time and by embracing the changing market environment.


completed solar park installations


MW displacement


mIndustrial Park area





The aim of the company

Our company’s goal is market growth and the increase of the corporate value,
which we aim to achieve with the innovative tools of the 21st century and valuable human resources.


The future market growth of Műszertechnika-Holding Zrt. is envisaged primarily in the areas of manufacturing and real estate divisions.

By repositioning the company, accepting and exploiting market opportunities, we aim at ‘diversification’.

Increase of corporate value

We see the opportunity for increasing the corporate value primarily in the customer relations between the Holding and its subsidiaries, in the search for new customers and in building intellectual capital.

We aim to create new business opportunities by providing special services, introducing innovative ideas and creating added value.


In line with the innovative requirements of the 21st century, we implement corporate management systems in our subsidiaries, introduce a central reporting system to continuously monitor the current situation.

A project approach and mindset permeate our daily work. We make our processes more efficient by incorporating innovation and digitalisation.

Team building

Our focus is on the most valuable resource: the individual, the employee.

Our team members can develop autonomously, empowered with areas of responsibility. Inter-generational channels of directness, sensitivity and active interpersonal relationships help maintain a continuous teamwork.

The Group of companies

AE-Plasztik Zrt.

A company known primarily as a supplier to the automotive industry. Its activities are based on two main profiles: the manufacture of plastic components for motor vehicles and electromechanical assembly. As much as 95% of the sales originates from supplies to the motor industry, the range of our supplier status: from TIR 1 to TIR 3

Ajkai Elektronikai Zrt.

AjkaiElektronikaiZrt. has produced and manufactured various industrial sheet metal components for decades, and is a partner of OEM manufacturers and component suppliers in Europe. The production of hundreds of different types of metal parts such as bodywork components, door hinges and fittings alone is representative of the vertical complexity of our capabilities. Our services range from multi-stage complex assembly production to component manufacturing and custom contract manufacturing.

IK Metál Kft.

IK-MetálKft. Székesfehérvár is engaged in the design and manufacture of production equipment for the execution of individual tasks, special and road vehicle bodies, welded metal structures and the manufacture of individual, heavy-duty containers. In our certified welding plant, qualified welders are employed to manufacture steel structures to the highest standards. Our sheet-working centre uses the latest CNC technology. Our metal cutting and tool-making capabilities include both CNC and conventional machining.

IK Szereléstechnika Kft.

The company’s main profile is the manufacture of steel structures, machining of steel structures, manufacture of metal containers for various uses, such as residential and other containers. We are waiting for our prospective partners with qualified welding, sheet-working, providing engineering services.


The aim of IKARUS-MS is to serve the solar power market in Hungary and the European region with solar mounting structures and to become an internationally significant manufacturer of metal structures for solarapplications 2023, Műszertechnika-Holding founded its new company IKARUS Mounting Systems (IKARUS-MS) for the development and production of solar mounting systems.

Our products and services ensure a secure return on your solar power plant investment. IKARUS Mounting Systems is your partner throughout the life of the power plant.


Production center in Székesfehérvár, Hungary
Annual capacity of nearly 1GW
High-quality Magnelis® / WTopCore raw materials


MT-HostWare Kft.

As a result of two decades of development – sales and support activities, HostWareKft. has become Hungary’s largest supplier of hotel software. Our product range covers the hotel, restaurant, SPA, as well as inventory and financial areas.

Currently more than 500 hotels in Hungary, Romania and Austria use our hotel front office systems. This is partly due to the fact that the majority of hotels opening in the country are implementing our product, and partly to the fact that hotels using other suppliers’ systems are switching to our software.


President's welcome address

Dear customers and prospective partners!

I founded Műszertechnika in 1981, and within a few years it has grown into the largest private company in Hungary under the old system.

In doing so, we managed to create an entrepreneurial spirit that was an important systemic value system even during the period of regime change.

The Műszertechnika group grew primarily on the basis of strong financial structures, without taking out loans. Thanks to this strategy, unlike many other private companies, it did not go bankrupt in the years after the regime change. Thanks to strong financial control and continuous innovative activity, the group not only managed to stay afloat, but also to grow steadily.

Today, as always, I expect the management to work for the economic prosperity of the country and to be a decisive part of the economic development of Hungary.

We have been up and running for more than 40 years, so I am confident that the new management of Műszertechnika will continue to strengthen this uninterrupted growth process.

Gábor Széles

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