Our subsidiaries

AE-Plasztik Zrt.

A company known primarily as a supplier to the automotive industry. Its activities are based on two main profiles: the manufacture of plastic components for motor vehicles and electromechanical assembly. As much as 95% of the sales originates from supplies to the motor industry, the range of our supplier status: from TIR 1 to TIR 3

Ajkai Elektronikai Zrt.

AjkaiElektronikaiZrt. has produced and manufactured various industrial sheet metal components for decades, and is a partner of OEM manufacturers and component suppliers in Europe. The production of hundreds of different types of metal parts such as bodywork components, door hinges and fittings alone is representative of the vertical complexity of our capabilities. Our services range from multi-stage complex assembly production to component manufacturing and custom contract manufacturing.

IK Metál Kft.

IK-MetálKft. Székesfehérvár is engaged in the design and manufacture of production equipment for the execution of individual tasks, special and road vehicle bodies, welded metal structures and the manufacture of individual, heavy-duty containers. In our certified welding plant, qualified welders are employed to manufacture steel structures to the highest standards. Our sheet-working centre uses the latest CNC technology. Our metal cutting and tool-making capabilities include both CNC and conventional machining.

IK Szereléstechnika Kft.

The company’s main profile is the manufacture of steel structures, machining of steel structures, manufacture of metal containers for various uses, such as residential and other containers. We are waiting for our prospective partners with qualified welding, sheet-working, providing engineering services.

MT-HostWare Kft

As a result of two decades of development – sales and support activities, HostWareKft. has become Hungary’s largest supplier of hotel software. Our product range covers the hotel, restaurant, SPA, as well as inventory and financial areas.

Currently more than 500 hotels in Hungary, Romania and Austria use our hotel front office systems. This is partly due to the fact that the majority of hotels opening in the country are implementing our product, and partly to the fact that hotels using other suppliers’ systems are switching to our software.



The aim of IKARUS-MS is to serve the solar power market in Hungary and the European region with solar mounting structures and to become an internationally significant manufacturer of metal structures for solarapplications 2023, Műszertechnika-Holding founded its new company IKARUS Mounting Systems (IKARUS-MS) for the development and production of solar mounting systems.

Our products and services ensure a secure return on your solar power plant investment. IKARUS Mounting Systems is your partner throughout the life of the power plant.

Production center in Székesfehérvár, Hungary
Annual capacity of nearly 1GW
High-quality Magnelis® / WTopCore raw materials